Welcome to the world of energies
Hello amazing soulstars π
It`s really about adding some spice to our life that makes it all a lot more exciting and feeling that fire of life burning happily inside. We add spice to so much else- food, sex, home, clothes, looks. With energy-tools we lift it even higher. By increasing your energy you are more aware of your surroundings and you become more sensitive to all of life and living. That brings deeper feelings around all activities, goals and relationships. Your senses become more alert and alive. You step into the magical cave of Ali Baba`s true treasures and give yourself a new shiny crown to wear. Because that`s what we are. The Kings and Queen`s of our own life.
When you open up to that perspective- you take charge. You are the brave captain of that ship. Whether there are stormy sea`s or calm waters- you stand tall and bring that ship over any waves and into azure blue lagoons to enjoy. By becoming energetically strong as F after using your energy-tools on a regular basis- you know that you are able, that you can do all those things you dreamed about, that you can energetically just push away any obstacle, rise above it or work through it with flying colours. And when you flow like this, others around you will feel safer in your space too. Those you love, your wonderful children, friends and even passer`s by that see how you can shine π
And isn`t that what we really want to show the children of this world? Isn`t that what we want to leave as our legacy for ourselves and the future generations? Isn`t that what we came here for? To be the best we can be! To charge into that jungle of life with all we are, throw ourselves into the lianas and roar like lions that own the place!! Letting our winnercry flow out over the jungles of life like a fearless, playful Tarzan or Tarzana!
THAT is SPICE people!!!
That is bringing it to the next level. The level of magic and all that herostuff within that just longs and yearns to come out and play.
It is a reason why we have never stopped liking those heroes. We want to be them. And we are. With energy-work you are more able to shine that inner herostar. And if there is any advice or wisdom I would want to say or pass on- it is that. Shine Superhero YOU!
So how`s that attitude today? What spice did you add to it? Did you give life a little more Tarzana-fire or more Tarzan-guts? Did you run with the lions in your trade of work? Or take that jump to go for your dreams?
Did you stand in front of the mirror working on your attitude by saying those famous words from Robert De Niro- You talking to me? That is one great energy-exercise! Practicing having attitude. To have some of that badass-mojo and strong humour to cast around. That get`s you places. AND makes it all so much more fun. Do it now! Do it a lot more! Empower yourself!
Pick your spice for today. What do you want more of? Who do you really want to be? What do you want to show yourself and the world?
What inner unique powers and talents do you have to surprise everyone with? You are filled with them, so there is always more to shine and show <3 Remember that!
Remember that your wonderful being is a snowflake like no other. That no one in this world or universe can bring the magic YOU are! You are the one and only! The rare, limited edition of your hero-magic and a very valuable spice others will be so lucky to experience some of!
Set that attitude on fire! Practice in front of the mirror. It makes you more secure in how to flow those strong energies. Sing in the shower. Dare to smile with confidence. Give yourself some new rutines and challenges in your daily life that gets the stronger, more fun energies going! Do something you haven`t done before! That`s a magical one that usually brings out laughter and charging those energies of being ALIVE!!
Playfulness is a very important key to highvibing yourself! We need to get more into that! Into seeing the beauty of life and all the things we can do! Go hang from a tree. Remember that great feeling as a child? Surprise! It is STILL a great feeling people! Take some time and look at the ants on a wooden path. Remember how we used to marvel over how they could pull so amazingly much more than their own weight? If a little ant can do that, imagine what a biggie-starshine YOU can do with YOUR amazing powers!!
I don`t know about you, but I sure intend to pull out some of that ANT-MAGICAL-TARZANA-You Talking to me?- PowerAttitude tomorrow and see if the world can handle my fireπ I challenge you to do the same!
What can you do tomorrow that can spark your day into something different than usual? The show is yours! ATTITUDE : ON!!
Cheering you on with this wisdom:
Honor Yourself.
Take the wheel and dare to BE BOSS!!
This is your life and no one can really stop you but you.
Loose any excuse you ever had and
Honor Your Dreams.
You have them for a reason.
They are road-signs to your happiest lifepath!
NEVER allow anyone to talk you out of them!!
They are yours and the more you run towards them,
the more sunshine will appear in your life and glow for you!
Honor your Heart.
Your amazing, wild, true and wise heart
is the most beautiful gift you have ever been given.
Listen to it`s song.
And have the courage to dance to it`s rhythm.
The lights are on. The stage is yours.
Bring the magic!
Love from
The Energy Coach Annika π